R. Gowrishankar, “Engaging with e-static textiles: An investigation into textile interaction design for shaping body-driven energy harvesting in the interior,” Universität der Künste Berlin, 2020. (https://doi.org/10.25624/kuenste-1357)
R. Gowrishankar, “An investigation of e-Textile interaction design with static electricity,” in ArcintexETN, L. Hallnäs, Ed. University of Borås/Swedish School of Textiles, 2019, pp. 204–223. (file)
R. Gowrishankar, “Constructing triboelectric textiles with weaving,” in Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers – ISWC ’17, 2017, pp. 170–171. (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3123021.3123037)
R. Gowrishankar, K. Bredies, and S. Ylirisku, “A Strategy for Material-Specific e-Textile Interaction Design,” in Smart Textiles Fundamentals, Design, and Interaction, S. Schneegass and O. Amft, Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 233–257. (http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-50124-6_11)
J. Mikkonen and R. Gowrishankar, Miia Oksanen, Harri Raittinen, and Arto Kolinummi, ‘OJAS: Open Source Bi-Directional Inductive Power Link’, in CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA ’14 (New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2014), pp. 563–566. (https://doi.org/10.1145/2559206.2574800)
R. Gowrishankar and K. Bredies, “Investigating Interaction Design for e-Textiles Using Case-Transfer,” in Proceedings of Ambience, Scientific Conference for Smart Textiles, 2014. (file)
K. Bredies and R. Gowrishankar, “Interactive Knitting Patterns as Boundary Objects in e-Textile Design,” in Proceedings of Ambience, Scientific Conference for Smart Textiles, 2014.
R. Gowrishankar, “Designing Fabric Interactions: A study of knitted fabrics as an electronic interface medium,” Aalto Univeristy, 2011. (https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/3609 file)
R. Gowrishankar and J. Mikkonen, “Pattern resistors: exploring resistive motifs as components for e-embroidery,” in Proceedings of the 17th annual international symposium on International symposium on wearable computers – ISWC ’13, 2013, p. 137. (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2493988.2494341)
R. Gowrishankar, K. Bredies, and R. Chow, “THE MUSIC SLEEVE : FABRIC AS AN ELECTRONIC INTERFACE MEDIUM,” in Nordic Design Research Conferences, 2011. (http://ocs.sfu.ca/nordes/index.php/nordes/2011/paper/view/400)