Attaching a soft pressure sensor (with a vibration motor) using an embroidery machine
Materials: a felted pressure sensor, vibration motor and 3D embroidery filler material. Cut a tiny hole in the pressure sensor to fit the vibration motor.
Cut a hole in the filler material big enough to fit the pressure sensor. Embroider an edge to fix the filler position and attach it to the fabric.
Insert the vibration motor onto the centre of the hole shape. Secure the wires on the reverse side.
Place the pressure sensor in the hole of the filler material and cover it with the desired top fabric. Embroider the edge of the button again to secure the fabric.
Cut off the excess fabric closely from the edge of the button.
Embroider a thicker satin stitch as the edge of the button securing the frayed edge of the top fabric. The filler material can after be simple peeled off.